Working Group meetings

From this page you can find all programmes for unique Working Group Programmes on Thursday, 13 June 2024.

  • Food Systems WG

    Workshop in co-operation with ERIAFF FoodSystem Working Group and FOODPathS project

    Room F209
    “Just food system transition – what role for regions?”

    FOODPathS is a project funded by the European Commission that aims to offer a concrete pathway and necessary tools to support the establishment of the European

    Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems for People, Planet & Climate, to be launched in 2024 based on the experience gained during the project’s lifetime. To ensureall voices are heard, the project engages actors from across the food system to create the framework in which the Partnership will operate.

    Minna Kaljonen, Research professor,
    Finnish Environment Institute

    Preliminary agenda:

    9.30 Welcome

    9.45 Introduction to workshop:

    • Just food system transition, guest speaker Minna Kaljonen, Director of The Just
      Transition – (JUST FOOD) project

    10.15 Workshop:

    • Group 1: Transformation of just sustainable food systems: challenges, opportunities, and action
      steps in regions
    • Group 2: Empowering food systems: indentifying key actors and promoting joint responsibility in
      sustainable food system transition

    10.30 Coffee break

    11.00 Workshop continues

    12.00 Feedback from workshop & conclusions

  • Plant Based Proteins WG

    The first part of the morning is dedicated to project presentations and ideas, and the second part focuses on more strategic work of the working group.

    Plant based proteins WG Annual Conference 2024 Seinäjoki (Finland)
    Agenda WG Session 13 th June 2024 9:30 12:30

    Welcome & introduction
    New co chairs: Miia Paananen, Martin Broberg & Hillebrand Koning

    Project pitches

    • Hiililounas (Carbon lunch),
      Ella Koivuniemi , Special Researcher, University of Turku
    • Eat Lancet, Sharon de Miranda , Chef cook, Food Forum Province Flevoland
    • Questions & discussion

    Coffee break

    Alternative proteins & Food 2030
    Giuseppina Luvara , Policy Officer, Bioeconomy and Food Systems, DG RTD, European Commission

    Presentation of the member survey and priorities of the working group

    Discussion & planning the upcoming activities

    End of the meeting

    Please register here to the working group meeting by 5th of June EOD:

    Plant based proteins Working Group
    Established in 2020
    Regional coordination (since March 2024):
    Southwest Finland (FI), Småland Blekinge Halland South Sweden (SE), Province
    of Flevoland (NL)


    • Miia Paananen, Turku Southwest Finland European Office
    • Martin Broberg, Småland Blekinge Halland South Sweden EU office
    • Hillebrand Koning , Province of Flevoland


    • Around 10 regions represented regional authorities , academia , clusters)? –> need to remap the members


    • Project development
    • Policy monitoring and lobbying
    • Exchange of information & best practices
  • Agroecology and Missions WG's

    First of all we would like to inform you that the Agreocology Partnership has just launched the  website:

    And they invite all of us to subscribe to the biannual newsletter!


    Regarding our AE working group session that we organised together with the Mission working group on the 13th of June, please find below the agenda:

    9:30-9:40 Introduction Agreocology WG Tanja Mimmo, Francesca Ricardi , Free university of Bolzano
    9:40 – 10:00 European Partnership on Agroecology and Soil Mission Susana Gaona Saez  and Paola Eulalio, EU Commission (online)
    10:10 – 10:30 Presentation of TP Organics Sari Iivonen, Finnish Organic Research Institute LUKE
    10:30 – 10:50 COFFE BREAK
    10:50 – 11:10 Presentation of ECHO, HE project Virpi Virjamo, UEF – FI (Finnish partner of ECHO )
    11:10 – 11:30 Presentation of Agroecology Science Judith Riedel, Director of Agroecology Science (online)
    11:40 – 11:50 Presentation of EUPHRESCO Francesca Ricardi, Free university of Bolzano
    11:50 – 12:00 The EU trends on Living Labs in Agroecology: Agroecology Partnership and GOOD project María Ramos, Cicytex (Extremadura)
    12:00- 13:00 Introduction Missions WG

    Continuation on the consortium building with the WGs’ members to apply for research and innovation in EU funding and future steps

    Cristina Gallardo and Concha Civantos Romero, Fundecyt  (Extremadura)


  • Forested Regions & Bioeconomy and Resilience WG's

    The role of regions in the development of innovation in value chains of forest products and services

    WG meetings: European Network of Forested Regions and Bioeconomy and Resilience on Thursday 13 June: The role of regions in the development of innovation in value chains of forest products and services

    Organizers: Catalan Government, CTFC and CESEFOR.

    Format: Hybrid

    Time: 150 min

    Draft program:


    • Introduction 5’
    • Emerging markets for ecosystem services, carbon credit market, especially for improved forest management, and the future European carbon sink certification framework 55’


    Coffee break 20-30’


    • SMURF project 25’
    • FOREST4EU project 25’
    • Round table: 40’ Moderated by Alvaro Picardo. A space for representatives of the participating regions to present proposals to the future European Commission on what they want in terms of forestry policy and other policies that affect forestry


  • High Tech Farming WG and S3 Agrifood Platform HTF - (Hybrid)

    Opportunities, approaches and experiences with precision agriculture and smart farming in European Regions

    Opportunities, approaches and experiences with precision agriculture and smart farming in European Regions


    Conference Venue: SeAMK Campus (WG meeting)

    Thursday, 13/06/2024, 9:30 – 12:00



    The Green New Deal and Farm to Fork strategy put precision agriculture and smart farming among the main instruments for a more sustainable practice. In Europe, precision agriculture has emerged as the way to help farmers increase the quantity and quality of agricultural production while using fewer inputs. The mission of the partnership is to facilitate interregional and cross-border cooperation and projects. Thus, accelerating the uptake of Sustainable Precision Farming in European agricultural systems relies on a large amount of precise data about a given area and allows that data to be used in accordance with agronomic practices. Precision agriculture offers farmers greater control over existing processes, from crop placement to soil conditions to chemical use.


    Objective: The session is aiming at exchanging info among Regions about:

    ·       existing precision agriculture/smart farming regional initiatives;

    ·       actual technologies/sectoral needs where precision farming practices are supported/deployed;

    ·       existing approaches or initiatives to solve the issue of data management and interoperability;

    ·       EU funding programs of possible interest for the promotion of interregional projects.


    Timetable Sessions
    9:30 – 9:40 Introduction to the session by the WG lead partner
    9:40- 10:00 Smart Specialization Strategies CoP-Support

    Els Van de Velde – Idea Consult (on line)

    10:00 – 10:30 Innovation Ecosystems to share with the participation of experts (stakeholders) from:

    Brittany, Andalucia, Neatherlands, Tuscany

    10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break
    Delivery of products from Local Food Product Shop
    10:50 – 11:30 Potential Interregional projects development:

    Pilot case ICAREUS – Niccolò Bartoloni- AGROBIT (on line);

    Pilot case Smart Grape 2 – Francesca Rossi – CNR-IFAC


    11:30 -12:00 Final discussion and conclusion


    The session is moderated by Alessandra Gemmiti
    ERIAFF Partners unable to attend in person the event can join the session online at:

  • Social Innovation WG