
This years theme, Regions as Changemakers for European Resilience and Sustainability, encourages the participants to discuss the role of regions in building up a more resilient and sustainable European Agri-Food and Forestry Systems. In the the aftermath of European Parliamentary Elections we expect insightful and fruitful discussion with regional policy and decision makers and developers about the current and future developements of the agri-food and forestry sector.

During the 3 conference days participants have a great opportunity to network, exchange ideas and plan for future. Study visits in the region will also offer new insights and food for thought for future. Some offsite programme is also arranged for exploring the city and the region.

Annual conference programme

Venue: SeAMK Campus, F-Building, Kampusranta 11, 60300 Seinäjoki.

Note: Changes in the agenda might still occur.

  • Day 0: Monday 10th of June

    Arrival in Seinäjoki.

    Free time for independent sightseeing / exploring the city in the afternoon / evening. (self paid)

  • Day 1: Tuesday 11th of June

    Focus: Political seminars and discussions. Together with FOODPathS project.

    Timetable Session
    8:30-9:00 Registration to the event
    9:00-9:30 Welcome and opening speech
    Facilitators: Terhi Korpi (SeAMK) + Samuele Pii (ERIAFF)–  Welcome speech: Jaakko Hallila, (SeAMK, president)
    – Opening speech: Mikko Savola (Council of South Ostrobothnia)
    – Video greeting from Tuscany, vice president Stefania Saccardi
    9:30-10:30 Political session 1: Setting up the political landscape for regions in Europe.

    – Keynote speech 1: Sari Essayah, Minister of Agriculture of Finland, Video Greeting

    – Keynote speech 2: Juha Gröhn /Atria former CEO

    –  Keynote speech 3: Hugo De Vries FOODPathS

    10:30-10:50 Coffee break
    11:00 – 12:00 Political Session 2: Regions as changemakers

    Introduction: Wouter Spek (Director, EuroBioForum Foundation, T.I.B development),

    Panelist Presentations

    –  Mikko Savola (Council of South Ostrobothnia, Member of Finnish Parliament)
    Enric Vadell (Deputy General Director of Forests. Government of Catalonia)
    Luis Ignacio Rojo (The Head of Forest Management Service, from Castilla y León)
    Antonio Ventre, forestry engineer – Forestry, Agri-Environment, Water Resources in Agriculture Sector. Climate Change. Government of Tuscany.

    Moderated Discussion

    Audience Q&A

    Closing Remarks

    12:00-13:30 LUNCH and Networking
    13.00-13.30 Poster session (Partially during lunch)
    13:30 – 15:00 Thematic Session 1 on Resilience

    Keynote speech on Resilience
    R&D Manager Anu Palomäki, SeAMK
    Regional Adaptation Support tool in Creating Adaptation Strategy for the Regional Food System in South Ostrobothnia

    Case Studies on Thematic

    o   Case 1
    Anna Bruen,
    FOODPathS-project Senior Expert – Biodiversity & Nature-based Solutions at ICLEI

    o   Case 2
    Enric Vadell,
    Deputy General Director of Forests. Government of Catalonia

    o   Case 3
    Minna Storm
    Project Researcher, Nutrition and Food Research Center (NuFo) University of Turku, Finland

    o   Case 4
    Dr. Francesca Giannetti,
    PhD, Researcher at University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry; EIP-AGRI Operational Group to support Forest Resilience

    Audience questions on the topics for presenters

    15:00-15:20 Coffee break
    15:30-17:00 Thematic Session 2 on Sustainability

    Keynote speech on Sustainability
    Gert Meijer, Prof, Deputy Head, ETP Food for Life, FOODPathS-project ABM

    Case studies on thematic

    o   Case 1
    Luc Haverkamp
    Plant-based proteins, case studies and collaborations possibilities

    o   Case 2
    Simon Maas
    SmartSensor/High Five

    o   Case 3
    Lorenza Lirosi,
    Manager at FoodDrinkEurope; FOODPathS-projct 

    o   Case 4
    Reija Hietala,
    DeliSoil – Soil Health Living labs  Pyhäjärvi Institute

    Audience questions on the topics for presenters

    17:00-17:30 Concluding remarks

    – Remarks or the day

    – Announcement of the 2025 ERIAFF 11th Annual Conference host
    Montserrat Riba Cunill. Head of the Delegation to the Nordic Countries and to the Baltic States. Government of Catalonia

    – Ending of the day, info on Networking dinner

    17.30 Photograph of the event attendees
    – All participants
    – ERIAFF
    – FOODPathS
    Arrival to the venue 
    Networking dinner (OmaSP Stadion)

    – Welcome
    – Greetings by City of Seinäjoki; Mayor Jaakko Kiiskilä
    – Presentation of Menu (Stadion Staff)
    – Dinner and Networking

    Venue open until 01.00


  • Day 2: Wednesday 12th of June

    Thematic discussions, exchange of experiences and study visits.

    Timetable Session
    8:30-9:00 Registration

    9.00 – 10.30

    Thematic Seminar: Resilient and Sustainable Agri-Food and Forestry Systems

    Keynote: Greeting Ministry of Agriculture of Finland Pekka Pesonen


    o   Simon Maas, SmartSensor/HIGHFIVE

    o   Emanuele Boselli, Free university of Bolzano

    o   Pierpaolo Rovere Fondazione Agrifood & Bioeconomy, Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Video Greeting: Dr. Roberto Scalacci (Director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate of the Tuscany Region)

    Info on Parallel sesisons

    10:30-10:50 Coffee break
    10:50 – 12:30


    Parallel thematic sessions: Exchange and discuss new ideas, common challenges, future possibilities and best practices from ERIAFF Regions

    Parallel session 1:
    Precision Agriculture

    Opportunities, approaches and experiences with precision agriculture and smart farming:

    Organizers: Tuscany Region  Government
    Format: Hybrid

    Time: 10:50 – 12:30

    Draft program:

    10:50 – 10:55   Introduction to the session by the WG lead partner

    10:55- 11:40   Roundtable on regional experiences with the participation of experts from:   Brittany, Netherlands, Tuscany

    11:40 – 12:00  High Tech Farming, opportunities in precision agriculture & smart farming Coen de Graaf – IDEA Consult (on line)

    12:00 – 12:30  Final discussion and conclusion

    Parallel session 2:
    Resilience and Landscapes Linked to Bioeconomy Opportunities.

    Organizers: Catalan Government, CTFC and CESEFOR.
    Format: Hybrid
    Time: 55 min

    Draft program:

    Inspiring talk/inspiring policies:

    • 10’ Catalan Government. Enric Vadell. Deputy General Director of Forests. Government of Catalonia

    Inspiring projects:

    • 10’ FIRE-RES and FORMES: Resilient Landscapes. CTFC
    • 10’ RES-MAB: Mediterranean Resilient landscapes. Quim Zaldo. CTFC Resilient Landscapes Team
    • 10’ Mediterranean Model Forest Network. Toni Ventre. MMFN Secretary

    Round table:

    • Moderated by Adriano Raddi

    Parallel session 3:
    Food chains of Finland, South Ostrobothnia
    – Karri Kallio
    – Markus Ojala
    Food Business Challenge finalists

    Parallel Session 4:
    Social agriculture projects implemented in the Region of Marche

    Parallel Session 5:
    WG Missions

    Workshop; Consortium building
    (Find more information here)

    12:30-14:00 LUNCH and Networking
    13.30-14.00 Poster session during lunch
    13:30-14:30 Local Food Product Shop
    – Preorder, delivery of products on morning coffee break on Thursday
    14:30 – 18:30 Study visits. 5 different topics and destinations.

    14:30 – 18:30
    1. Sustainable and resilient agricultural practices (Tikan Maatila. In collaboraon with Climate Farm Demo -project)

    14:15-16:30 (Group 1 ERIAFF) and 15:00 – 17:30 Group 2 (FOODPathS)
    2. Food laboratories for the future (Frami Food Lab & Foodwest Ltd)

    15:00 – 18:00
    3. Sustainable and Circular Food Companies (Atria )

    15:00 – 18:00
    4. Sustainable forestry & restoration activities Forest/Peatswamp (Paukaneva)

    14:30 – 18:30
    5. Local Drinks and Spirits
    (Kyrö Distillery & Pirula tila)

    19:00 Onward Optional programme for sightseeing the city attractions in Seinäjoki.

    Architecture walk Alvar Aalto Centre

    Swimming and Sauna beside a lake in Tanelinranta in Seinäjoki

    Nature walk in Kyrkösjärvi Nature park (afterwards Barbeque at SeAMK premises)

    Barbeque at SeAMK premises (Barbeque open from 19-22, networking possibility for all attendees)

  • Day 3: Thursday 13th of June

    Working group meetings

    Timetable Session
    8:30-9:00 Registration
    9:30-10:30 Working Group meetings (Programmes on a separate site, see side menu)

    – Food systems WG
    – Bioregions WG and Forested Regions WG’s
    – Plant Based Proteins WG
    – Agroecology WG and Missions’ WG (Hybrid)
    – Social Agriculture WG
    High Tech Farming WG and S3 Agrifood Platform HTF – (Hybrid)
    – Communications + SeAMK

    10:30-10:50 Coffee break
    Delivery of products from Local Food Product Shop
    11.00 – 13.00 Working Group Meetings

    – Food systems WG
    – Bioregions WG and Forested Regions WG’s
    – Plant Based Proteins WG All Working Groups
    – Agroecology WG and Missions’ WG; (Consortium building continuation (Hybrid)
    – High Tech Farming WG and S3 Agrifood Platform HTF – (Hybrid)
    – Social Agriculture WG

    13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (Self paid)
    14:00 Safe trip home